Product Information
Alpha 3 inspecting, measure and rolling machine
All your work can now be done easily, quickly & accurately on a Hiemac
Alpha 3 machine.
The Hiemac Alpha 3 can be automated and hands free, as well as being versatile, reliable and sturdy.
The Hiemac Alpha 3 has constant tension, variable speed, forward and reverse, quiet solid state powerful DC control and a host of options to make this the most valuable machine in your warehouse.
General — Attractive and compact fabric inspecting measuring and re-rolling machine on mobile stand with lockable castors and large bottom shelf, 240 volt DC. plug plug in power.
Main Drive —180 volt 200W D.C. geared motor, has solid state infinite variable speed control from 0-60 meters per minute, with forward and reverse running.
Roll-up Device — Twin rolling cradles with unique speed variation between cradles to give a constant fabric tension of approximately 4 kg.No centre shaft required.
Hands Free Running — Once threaded, the machine runs automatically with the operator free for paperwork and other tasks.
Length Metering Counter —Two wheel Truemeter™ mechanical counter is standard.
Fabric Roll Capacity — From the smallest roll to 500mm diameter x 1820mm long x 140kg is standard. The machine can be stretched to take 4000mm long rolls.
Underlighting — 60 watt fluorescent lighting inspection panel to assist in locating flaws in fabric weave.
Overhead Lighting — Overhead frame fixed to machine, locating double fluorescent light fittings.
Weights & Measures Counter — Highly accurate W & M approved counter. Can be ordered with pre-determining functions to stop the machine at a set length.
Extra Larger Rolls—Modifications to handle larger diameter rolls up to 500mm diameter, 3600mm long & 180kg in weight.
Longer Rolls — Modifications to handle larger rolls from 4000mm long, up to 180kg in weight.
Spreading Roller — A single rubber coated banana roller that gives excellent cloth spreading at the output roll. Essential for stretch fabrics.
Pendant Hand Control — Used in conjunction with machine controls, allows off/on switching from a remote position. Excellent for wide fabrics
Powered Cutter — Motorised power rotary cutter, moved by hand along a track for cutting fabric squarely, quickly and accurately.